<Schrodinger`Cat> 3 pour le runlevel 3
<Esclapion> (merci à Culinax)
<Esclapion> oui
<Schrodinger`Cat> merci Esclapion et Culinax
* lazlo saiu (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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* ChanServ estatuto operador canal a ringo32
<Esclapion> GS finished ? 3.18 ?
* Ribouldingue saiu (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[email protected]) has joined
* Ribouldingue saiu (Remote host closed the connection)
<ringo32> i killed gnome

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* ChanServ voice a Ribouldingue
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[email protected]) has left
<Esclapion> Hi Ringo, fire in Belgium :
http://www.imagerun.info/img172/jgjjupi34kwtfama.jpg<ringo32> lol
* Ribouldingue saiu (Quit: Leaving)
<Esclapion> (miam)
<Esclapion> zut, dans 20'
* Doulby saiu (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[email protected]) has joined
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* lazlo saiu (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[email protected]) has joined
* Ribouldingue saiu (Quit: Leaving)
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[email protected]) has joined
<Freezby> lut
<Esclapion> Salut Freezby
* tarok saiu (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<ringo32> Salute Esclapion
* reventlov saiu (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.3)
<Esclapion> tomorrow, I work a bit one lXQT? Today, nothing
<holmeslinux> hello all
<Esclapion> not ?, .
<Esclapion> Ola holmeslinux
<holmeslinux> Esclapion, hi
<ringo32> ola you have pekwm-menu generator ?
<Esclapion> not tried pekwm, for the moment
<Esclapion> you write it ?

<holmeslinux> I'm not here too
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pekwm-menu/<holmeslinux> we will not add anything aur
<Esclapion> you copy the sources to your PC, generate the pkg.tar.gz
<ringo32> holmeslinux,
https://forum.manjaro.org/index.html?top ... #msg117369 see he maintain that pkgbuild
<ringo32> holmeslinux, you can ask Rob to put in the repo
<ringo32> for your project
<ringo32> if that works nicely
<holmeslinux> I'll talk to tropper about the menu-pekwm
<holmeslinux> ringo32, see it
http://migre.me/j1mwS<ringo32> but if you ask Rob to port intoo the repo would be cool right ?
<Esclapion> he say that you need a terminal, not especially xterm
<holmeslinux> yes, I know!
<holmeslinux> need to edit the file sudoers
<holmeslinux> %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/setup
<holmeslinux> is this correct?
<ringo32> then you have to reed the scrips is mostly standard i gues ?
<ringo32> in .desktop file called just sudo /usr/bin/setup
<ringo32> that wheel you should look in /xxx/manjaroiso/config/livecd-overlay/livecd/ in livecd script or function
<holmeslinux> I'm not here /xxx/manjaroiso/config/livecd-overlay/livecd/
<ringo32> that wheel is part of an script
<ringo32> now guessing i have to peek
<ringo32> sory i forgot OP
<ringo32> opt
<ringo32> echo "configure sudoers" >> /tmp/livecd.log
<ringo32> # do_fix_perms
<ringo32> chown root:root /etc/sudoers
<ringo32> sed -i -e 's|# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL|%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL|g' /etc/sudoers
<ringo32> chmod 440 /etc/sudoers
<ringo32> thats in /livecd-overlay/opt/livecd/livecd script
<holmeslinux> ok
<holmeslinux> find in:/home/holmes/work/manjaroiso/configs/pekwm/overlay-livecd/opt/livecd/livecd
<holmeslinux> chmod 440 /usr/bin/setup
<holmeslinux> or
<holmeslinux> chown root:root /etc/bin/setup
<holmeslinux> sed -i -e 's|# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL|%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL|g' /etc/bin/setup
<holmeslinux> chmod 440 /etc/bin/setup
<ringo32> what i send was pretty standard..
<Esclapion> A little error in the sed : |g must be |
<Esclapion> doesnt hurt, but not good
<ringo32> mine ?
<ringo32> <ringo32> chmod 440 /etc/sudoers
<ringo32> <holmeslinux> chmod 440 /etc/bin/setup
<ringo32> ooops

<Esclapion> both are the same ? g in |g serves to change the string more than 1 time in the line
<ringo32> his chmod looks awful
<Esclapion> brb
* Esclapion saiu (Quit: Je quitte)
* Culinax saiu (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.3)
<ringo32> holmeslinux, ?
<holmeslinux> hello
<ringo32> you changed that ? mine is pretty standard by the way
<holmeslinux> just add the script: chmod 440 /etc/bin/setup
* Esclapion (
[email protected]) has joined
* ChanServ estatuto operador canal a Esclapion
<ringo32> ah you added that isnt that pretty double ?
<Esclapion> s/toto/titi/ change once. s/toto/titi/g change a lot of times if necessary
<Esclapion> but you dont have merely %wheel on the line. So it works, but not beautiful
<holmeslinux> would be it?
http://pastebin.com/vv6CuJCg<ringo32> holmeslinux, wat is the main issue ?
<ringo32> Setup doesnt work in Menu?
<holmeslinux> it asks for password
<holmeslinux> what I did in the paste is correct?
<ringo32> normal yes
<ringo32> sudo /usr/bin/setup is this in the menu ?
<holmeslinux> Actions = "Exec gksudo $TERM -e setup &" in menu pek
<holmeslinux> not work with sudo setup
<ringo32> not sudo setup but sudo /usr/bin/setup ?
<ringo32> pastebin the whole peckmenu file ?
<holmeslinux> here
http://pastebin.com/AwMthUhb<holmeslinux> with sudo setup does not work. with gksudo setup asks for password
<holmeslinux> pekwm irc indicated in the editing the file sudores
<ringo32> Entry = "CLI Installer" { Actions = "Exec $TERM -e sudo /usr/bin/setup &" } wont do ?
<ringo32> which terminal you use ?
<holmeslinux> to remove the file permissions setup
<holmeslinux> xterm
<holmeslinux> Entry = "CLI Installer" { Actions = "Exec $TERM -e sudo /usr/bin/setup &" }
<ringo32> why not Entry = "CLI Installer" { Actions = "Exec xterm -e sudo /usr/bin/setup &" }
<ringo32> ?
<ringo32> $TERM you make more dificult
<holmeslinux> I will test this parameter
<Esclapion> sudo $TERM -e setup
<ringo32> i would say package you Profile

send it to
[email protected]<ringo32> in i3 is normal to use xterm -e (file)
<ringo32> in an key
<ringo32> to use weechat or something
<holmeslinux> jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeejeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
<holmeslinux> funcionouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
* jarinux (
[email protected]) has joined
<holmeslinux> com Entry = "CLI Installer" { Actions = "Exec xterm -e sudo /usr/bin/setup &" }
* Freezby saiu (Remote host closed the connection)
<holmeslinux> workeddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
<holmeslinux> not asked for the password
<holmeslinux> ringo322222222222222
<holmeslinux> ringo32, worked the parameter you indicated
<ringo32> lols
<holmeslinux> Entry = "CLI Installer" { Actions = "Exec xterm -e sudo /usr/bin/setup &" }
<holmeslinux> obrigado
<holmeslinux> gracias
<ringo32> i am stil smarter then Esclapion :p
<holmeslinux> merci
<holmeslinux> jejejeje
<ringo32> i should an maintainer too

<ringo32> but neh ..pff who cares about me

<holmeslinux> the cli resolved
* gilles (
[email protected]) has joined
<holmeslinux> you are an important person in the Manjaro
<holmeslinux> after then we'll talk about the Thus
<holmeslinux> it does not work
<holmeslinux> after
<holmeslinux> gracias
<holmeslinux> merci
<holmeslinux> thanks
<holmeslinux> obrigado
<ringo32> thus dont work ?
<holmeslinux> yes
<holmeslinux> not work
<ringo32> i can give you a hint.. ->> LiveCD lols
* gilles_thw (
[email protected]) has joined
<ringo32> holmeslinux,
<holmeslinux> hi
<ringo32> look in /livecd-over/opt/livecd/livecd
<ringo32> search string : thus
<holmeslinux> ok
<ringo32> check this
http://pastebin.com/iTxaAKTk<ringo32> something like that
<ringo32> find it ?
<holmeslinux> I will search
<holmeslinux> ok
<holmeslinux> not found
http://pastebin.com/12uB43wd* lazlo saiu (Remote host closed the connection)
<holmeslinux> /home/holmes/work/manjaroiso/configs/pekwm/overlay-livecd/opt/livecd/livecd
http://pastebin.com/mh9714tg<ringo32> how old is the profile you editted ?
<holmeslinux> a few months
<holmeslinux> can I use yours?
<ringo32> from which profile you copied ?
<ringo32> 0.87 ?
<Esclapion> thus is not in config
<ringo32> in livecd***
<ringo32> you know Esclapion
<Esclapion> when the ISO is generated, yes
<ringo32> in that script
<ringo32> iso got to learn things about pekwm

<holmeslinux> about two months ago
<Esclapion> nothing of thus in config, in 0.8.10pre1
<Esclapion> not in shared, so, also
<holmeslinux> I will have to leave and then come back
<holmeslinux> jejejeje
<ringo32> huh ?