[email protected] ~]$ yaourt -S qgis
==> Downloading qgis PKGBUILD from AUR...
x qgis.install
x canvas-qt-flicker.patch
x qgis.sh
Comment by saultdon (2014-07-16 16:54)
@d7rk I'm not sure, you could ask the package maintainer for qscintilla or see if it's been filed as a bug report or check in the forums.
@HuMu_2013 There was an update to the openlayers plugin (1.3.3) for 2.4. See if you can upgrade it. I haven't tried upgrading pyqt4 after installing qgis, because then you'd have to recompile qscintilla again against the updated pyqt4.
Comment by ariki (2014-07-16 23:26)
Sent a pull request upstream that solves the PyQt4 issue:
https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/1508Also (at least when compiled from the latest master with my patch applied) no more QScintilla related errors observed.
Comment by ariki (2014-07-17 00:15)
But it seems to work only for Arch Linux, so no hopes to see it upstream.
Comment by HuMu_2013 (2014-07-17 08:55)
Check, but forgot to double check ...
The OpenLayers plug-in is now (in the 2.4 version) accessible under 'web" in the taskbar menu. Seems to be working oké. Haven't touched pyqt (still 4.10).
Comment by grayich (2014-07-17 10:16)
depends python2-pyqt4=4.10.4 -- python2-pyqt4-10
qgis 2.4.0-3 (Sex Jul 22 16:23:25 WEST 2011)
( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! )
==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort)
==> ------------------------------------
==> y
Please add $EDITOR to your environment variables
for example:
export EDITOR="vim" (in ~/.bashrc)
(replace vim with your favorite editor)
==> Edit PKGBUILD with:
/usr/lib/yaourt/util.sh: line 197: PKGBUILD: command not found
==> qgis dependencies:
- qt4>=4.8.6 (already installed)
- proj (already installed)
- geos (already installed)
- sqlite>= (already installed)
- gdal>=1.11.0 (already installed)
- expat>=2.1.0 (already installed)
- python2 (already installed)
- python2-sip=4.16.2 (already installed)
- libspatialite (already installed)
- cmake (already installed)
- flex (already installed)
- bison (already installed)
- txt2tags (already installed)
- qwt>=6.1.0 (package found)
- qwtpolar>=1.1.0 (building from AUR)
- python2-pyqt4=4.10.4 (building from AUR)
- python2-qscintilla=2.8.3 (package found)
- python2-psycopg2 (package found)
- spatialindex (building from AUR)
==> Edit qgis.install ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort)
==> ----------------------------------------
==> y
Please add $EDITOR to your environment variables
for example:
export EDITOR="vim" (in ~/.bashrc)
(replace vim with your favorite editor)
==> Edit qgis.install with:
/usr/lib/yaourt/util.sh: line 197: qgis.install: command not found
==> Continue building qgis ? [Y/n]
==> ------------------------------
==> Building and installing package
==> Install or build missing dependencies for qgis:
[sudo] password for armando:
[sudo] password for armando:
erro: alvo não encontrado: python2-pyqt4=4.10.4
==> Restart building qgis ? [y/N]
==> -----------------------------
==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort)
==> ------------------------------------
Please add $EDITOR to your environment variables
for example:
export EDITOR="vim" (in ~/.bashrc)
(replace vim with your favorite editor)
==> Edit PKGBUILD with: gedit
** (gedit:14979): WARNING **: Couldn't register with accessibility bus: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.