changes from PRE2 to RC:
- changed Firefox by QupZilla
- changed some games
- reorganizing of the menu
- theme modified Slim (theme minimalist)

- script installation and activation of the firewall

prominent software:
- PekWM 0.1.17-2
- Linux kernel 3.12.30-1
- Manjaro Settings Manager 0.3.4-1
- MHWD 0.4.4-1
- Octopi
- QupZilla 1.8.2-1
Obs.: currently is available only the ISO 64bits. soon the ISO 32bits will be ready.
this installation media is based on our Stable branch. please report any issues you may find!
download here
we wish to thank the participation of all in discussions of PRE1 and PRE2 versions...

kind regards,
ManjaroPek Team