Complicado essas placas hibridas, dor de cabeça na certa.
Achei isso na Wiki do Arch (
ATI Dynamic Switchable GraphicsThis is a new technology similar to the one of Nvidia as it uses no hardware multiplexer.
Current ProblemsThe Dynamic Switch needs Xorg support for the discrete videocard assigned for rendering to work [1]. So, rendering on the discrete gpu will not work until the Xorg team adds support for it.
This means that with a muxless intel+ati design, you cannot use your discrete card by simply modprobing the radeon module.
As of now, there are 3 choices:- Disable the discrete card and use only the intel igpu. This is not needed for kernels version >= 3.12 with radeon DPM enabled; the open source graphics driver manages the card automatically. For kernels older than 3.12, see the solution below.
- Test and improve some virtualGL based program to make the switch, like the common-amd branch of bumblebee project. Check the project repository and this useful post.
- Use the proprietary driver with powerxpress (a.k.a. pxp) support maintained by Vi0l0 (remember to check for xorg compatibility).
Eu tentaria a terceira solução, instalar o driver pxp do AUR ( ... om_the_AUR)