philm lançou um apelo, no fórum em inglês, solicitando ajuda com relação a arte do Manjaro!
philm escreveu:Manjaro is great. Our Development team tries to do their best to get you the latest and greatest do your boxes. However we suck. Yes we suck at artwork (at least me ). Pushing code and patching software we are really great. However in style and artwork we might be not so great as we want to be.
So if you're an artist had want to share your work with us, we welcome you in our artwork team. If you have a cool wallpaper, share it. If you're good at Plasma5 theming, join or KDE artwork team. If GTK is rather your thing, join our XFCE, Gnome team and update or create a new theme for our editions of Manjaro. If you like icons more, well also good. Share your style with our artwork team and combine it so our main editions will look stream lined. If you're good in composing and more in movies or slide shows, also great. Our installers need some love in that regard. Also promotion of Manjaro with render artwork or short clips will bring Manjaro to the next level.
In short: You don't have to code to join us. Artwork and creativity is also a big part of this distribution. So take a leap and jump into our world!
vlw fwi, Holmes