Ajuda na saída do comando inxi --recommends  [Resolvido]

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Ajuda na saída do comando inxi --recommends  [Resolvido]

Mensagempor Luiz1965 » 10 Nov 2017, 07:12  •  MS 1

Ola pessoal!
Vocês acham que devo me preocupar com os itens que faltam?

Código: Selecionar todos
[[email protected] ~]$ inxi --recommends
inxi will now begin checking for the programs it needs to operate. First a check of the main languages and tools inxi uses. Python is only for debugging data uploads unless Perl is missing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bash version: 4.4.12(1)-release Gawk version: 4.1.4, Sed version: 4.4 Sudo version: 1.8.21p2 Python version: 3.6.3 (legacy, no longer used) Perl version: v5.26.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Test One: Required System Directories (Linux Only). If one of these system directories is missing, inxi cannot operate:  /proc....................................................................... Present
 /sys........................................................................ Present 
All the  directories are present. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Test Two: Required Core Applications. If one of these applications is missing, inxi cannot operate:  df (info: partition data)................................................... /usr/bin/df gawk (info: core tool)...................................................... /usr/bin/gawk grep (info: string search).................................................. /usr/bin/grep lspci (info: hardware data)................................................. /usr/bin/lspci ps (info: process data)..................................................... /usr/bin/ps readlink.................................................................... /usr/bin/readlink sed (info: string replace).................................................. /usr/bin/sed tr (info: character replace)................................................ /usr/bin/tr uname (info: kernel data)................................................... /usr/bin/uname wc (info: word character count)............................................. /usr/bin/wc  All the  applications are present. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Test Three: Script Recommends for Graphics Features. NOTE: If you do not use X these do not matter (like a headless server). Otherwise, if one of these applications is missing, inxi will have incomplete output: 
glxinfo (info: -G glx info)................................................. /usr/bin/glxinfo xdpyinfo (info: -G multi screen resolution)................................. /usr/bin/xdpyinfo xprop (info: -S desktop data)............................................... /usr/bin/xprop xrandr (info: -G single screen resolution).................................. Missing  The following applications are missing from your system:  Application: xrandr To add to your system, install the proper distribution package for your system: Debian/Ubuntu: x11-xserver-utils :: Arch Linux: xrandr :: Redhat/Fedora/Suse: x11-server-utils ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Test Four: Script Recommends for Remaining Features. If one of these applications is missing, inxi will have incomplete output:  dig (info: -i first wlan ip default test)................................... Missing dmidecode (info: -M if no sys machine data; -m memory)...................... /usr/bin/dmidecode file (info: -o unmounted file system)....................................... /usr/bin/file hciconfig (info: -n -i bluetooth data)...................................... Missing hddtemp (info: -Dx show hdd temp)........................................... Missing ifconfig (info: -i ip lan-deprecated)....................................... Missing ip (info: -i ip lan)........................................................ /usr/bin/ip sensors (info: -s sensors output)........................................... /usr/bin/sensors strings (info: -I sysvinit version)......................................... /usr/bin/strings lsusb (info: -A usb audio;-N usb networking)................................ /usr/bin/lsusb modinfo (info: -Ax,-Nx module version)...................................... /usr/bin/modinfo runlevel (info: -I runlevel)................................................ /usr/bin/runlevel sudo (info: -Dx hddtemp-user;-o file-user).................................. /usr/bin/sudo uptime (info: -I uptime (check which package owns Debian)).................. /usr/bin/uptime  The following applications are missing from your system:  Application: dig To add to your system, install the proper distribution package for your system: Debian/Ubuntu: dnsutils :: Arch Linux: dnsutils :: Redhat/Fedora/Suse: bind-utils  Application: hciconfig To add to your system, install the proper distribution package for your system: Debian/Ubuntu: bluez :: Arch Linux: bluez-utils :: Redhat/Fedora/Suse: bluez-utils  Application: hddtemp To add to your system, install the proper distribution package for your system: Debian/Ubuntu: hddtemp :: Arch Linux: hddtemp :: Redhat/Fedora/Suse: hddtemp  Application: ifconfig To add to your system, install the proper distribution package for your system: Debian/Ubuntu: net-tools :: Arch Linux: net-tools :: Redhat/Fedora/Suse: net-tools ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Test Five: Script Recommends for Remaining Features. One of these downloaders needed for options -i/-w/-W (-U/-! [11-15], if supported):  wget (info: -i wan ip;-w/-W;-U/-! [11-15] (if supported))................... /usr/bin/wget curl (info: -i wan ip;-w/-W;-U/-! [11-15] (if supported))................... /usr/bin/curl  All the  applications are present. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test Six: System Directories for Various Information. (Unless otherwise noted, these are for GNU/Linux systems) If one of these directories is missing, inxi may have incomplete output:  /sys/class/dmi/id (info: -M system, motherboard, bios)...................... Present /dev (info: -l,-u,-o,-p,-P,-D disk partition data).......................... Present /dev/disk/by-label (info: -l,-o,-p,-P partition labels)..................... Missing /dev/disk/by-uuid (info: -u,-o,-p,-P partition uuid)........................ Present  The following directories are missing from your system: Directory: /dev/disk/by-label --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test Seven: System Files for Various Information. (Unless otherwise noted, these are for GNU/Linux systems) If one of these files is missing, inxi may have incomplete output:  /proc/asound/cards (info: -A sound card data)............................... Present /proc/asound/version (info: -A ALSA data)................................... Present /proc/cpuinfo (info: -C cpu data)........................................... Present /etc/lsb-release (info: -S distro version data [deprecated])................ Present /proc/mdstat (info: -R mdraid data)......................................... Missing /proc/meminfo (info: -I memory data)........................................ Present /etc/os-release (info: -S distro version data).............................. Present /proc/partitions (info: -p,-P partitions data).............................. Present /proc/modules (info: -G module data)........................................ Present /proc/mounts (info: -P,-p partition advanced data).......................... Present /var/run/dmesg.boot (info: -D,-d disk data [BSD only])...................... Missing /proc/scsi/scsi (info: -D Advanced hard disk data [used rarely])............ Present /var/log/Xorg.0.log (info: -G graphics driver load status).................. Present  The following files are missing from your system: File: /proc/mdstat File: /var/run/dmesg.boot --------------------------------------------------------------------------- All tests completed.

== Editado em 10 Nov 2017, 07:50 ==

Basicamente é sugerido que eu instale:
-hddtemp (que é um pacote beta)

E crie:
- /dev/disk/by-label
- /proc/mdstal
- /var/run/desmeg.boot
Editado pela última vez por Luiz1965 em 10 Nov 2017, 07:50, em um total de 1 vez.
Razão: complementando
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Ajuda na saída do comando inxi --recommends

Mensagempor Luiz1965 » 13 Nov 2017, 13:11  •  MS 2

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